We consider the health and safety of employees, contractors, and local communities to be a priority. Euromax will ensure that our employees are trained and motivated to adhere to the highest levels of health and safety, while minimizing any risk to the health and safety of our employees, contractors and communities by building upon a culture of taking responsibility for actions.

We will uphold a comprehensive framework of roles and responsibilities supported by a set occupational health and safety principles and national / international safety standards.

We believe working toward a policy of zero harm at each of our operations.  Zero harm entails eliminating physical injuries from the workplace, while consistently and proactively engaging in the safest behaviours and practices possible.  Through these efforts, we will ensure our employees and contractors are more aware of safety risks, their role in safety and the power they have as individuals to integrate safety into everything we do.

Our projects promote the use of best industry practice throughout the planning and development of our projects, and also implement Best Available Techniques (BAT) for construction and mining methods as we near production.  We will monitor, or require to be monitored, all sites to ensure they are meeting occupational health standards, including appropriate regulations on gaseous pollution, noise levels, dust, thermal stress and ergonomics.

Euromax’s approach to Responsible Mining focuses on six key areas:PowerPoint Presentation